2024 Delegate Speech Contest

A student from our 2023 conference address his committee in a moderated caucus.

your chance to address 1,700 delegates from around the world!

At the conference, two delegates will have the opportunity to address the conference through a speech that will be given at closing ceremonies.

The Executive Board will select applications and the Vice-President will work with the selected students to edit and practice their speech prior to closing ceremonies.

Submissions will only be accepted during the conference. More information will be provided at opening ceremonies on Thursday of the conference.

Submission Guidelines

Speeches should be approximately 3 to 5 minutes in length which typically translates to around 450-700 words.

Delegates are welcome to write on any topic, but the Board is particularly interested in hearing speeches about the following topics.

  • How has HMC impacted you?

  • Why are you passionate about civic engagement and public service?

  • What lessons will you take with you from the HMC experience?

You are welcome to submit an outline or detailed notes, you need not submit a polished speech.